Author Archives: Charlie McAtee

Entertainment for the Great Indoors

Just your friendly neighborhood archivist here, checking in with our readers to see how you are all doing? I know that we are all glad to practice being good neighbors and are staying home to help protect our most vulnerable populations from the spread of COVID-19. However, in times like these when we are all […]

The Extremely Unlikely Election of Ida May Davis

It’s the small sketch that catches my eye first, buried in the middle of a packed 1891 newspaper. Illustration is hard to come-by in gazettes of this era, and a female subject is even rarer. “Terre Haute Takes the Lead” emblazons the title, sending me down a research rabbit hole to uncover the trailblazer with a relatively ordinary name: Ida May […]

From the Cataloger’s Desk: A New Miniature Book in the Collection

I recently cataloged a charming miniature book, Whatever Happened to Valley Mills, Indiana? According to the Miniature Book Society, “In the United States, a miniature book is usually considered to be one which is no more than three inches in height, width, or thickness.” This newest miniature in the collection measures in well under three inches […]

What happens when you donate to a museum’s annual fund?

It’s that time of year again; cooler days, longer nights, an electric stirring to the air as plans are made … and a whole USPS truck of solicitations stuffed in your mailbox. These mailings often use terms like “where most needed,” “organizational priorities,” or “greatest need.” Phrases like these are ways nonprofits traditionally refer to […]

Whodunit this time? Indiana’s Own Female Bluebeard

On Friday, Oct. 18, the History Center was rocked by another historic murder, during this year’s Whodunit? event. No fear, our detectives were on the case to put the clues together and solve the 100-year-old Hoosier crime. New Philadelphia, Indiana, a small hamlet four miles west of Greenfield was rocked by tragedy in the summer […]

From the Cataloger’s Desk: Raise a Glass!

For me, this time of year is all about celebrations. Not only are we celebrating birthdays and anniversaries in my family, but we’re also looking forward to the holidays. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner, and before you know it, we’ll be ringing in the New Year. I recently cataloged a pamphlet […]

Would You Like a Side of Steak with That?

According to the Reid Duffy Menu Collection, fine dining in Indianapolis in the 1980s and 1990s can be summed up by five words: steak, steak and more steak. The WRTV reporter hosted a weekly restaurant review segment called “Duffy’s Diner” from 1978 to 1995. Any local eatery was eligible, which is why Duffy’s menus, donated […]

From the Cataloger’s Desk: Paging Dr. Laughlin!

I find old medical books fascinating. They rank high on my list of favorite printed materials to catalog – right up there with yearbooks, cookbooks and maps. I’m no medical expert, but I enjoy reading about various ailments and how they were treated long ago. I also appreciate the accompanying illustrations. Far from being gory […]