Author Archives: Adam Harness

Getting Our Collections in Shape

The William H. Smith Memorial Library collects and preserves the history of Indiana including old letters, maps, and photographs so that they are available for future generations. In an earlier post I gave an overview of the IHS research library. Creating and maintaining a healthy and accessible collection is hard work and a never-ending cycle! […]

IHS Announces Indiana Heritage Support Program

Indianapolis—The Indiana Historical Society (IHS) is pleased to announce the creation of its new Indiana Heritage Support Program, an initiative funded by a $3.43 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. During the next five years, IHS will provide $2.5 million in grants to Indiana’s local historical organizations. These will fund a wide variety of projects […]

A Farewell Message from Stacy Klingler

In my seven years of work in the Local History Services department of IHS, first as assistant director and then as director, I have been given the opportunity to learn from the staff and partners of IHS as well as the over 900 local history organizations LHS serves. I have never been at a loss […]

Treasures Right Under Our Own Roof

We just celebrated National Archives Month at the Indiana Historical Society! Did you know that IHS has some of Indiana’s greatest historical treasures? If you visit the William H. Smith Memorial Library located on the second floor (eye level with our hanging clocks) you will find yourself in a room with tables, chairs, books and […]

He’s Been Working on the Railroad

“I’ve lived in Columbus all my life,” says 92-year-old Robert Brown. He is sharply dressed and wearing a conductor’s hat. “This is an official punch.” Robert volunteered his time for two days at the Indiana Bicentennial Train’s Columbus stop. “I thought I could help with the train and give people a little knowledge,” he says. […]

Gallivanting Across Indiana

Hello, Indiana local history organizations! I am Kelsey Smith, the new intern at Local History Services. I am currently a graduate student in my second and final year at IUPUI. What am I studying, you ask? Museums, of course! I graduate in the spring of 2015 with a master?s degree in Museum Studies. I hail […]

The Importance of the Railroads

As we are approaching the first stop of our Indiana Bicentennial Train this week, I am reminded how railroads were such an integral part of immigration. The railroads? heyday in Indiana started in the 1840s and lasted through the 1860s. It was the construction of the railroads that brought some of our ancestors to Indiana […]

Have Fun Storming the Castle!

New! The word conjures up images of a shinycar, a pristine house, a bright toy. New can be fun, magical and exciting. But new can also be scary. In the world of history and museums, we are used to looking at the past the old, the nostalgic and the comfortable. New can be intimidating. Why? […]

Do mission statements matter?

Recently, my husband and I were having a discussion about mission statements. He has served on various boards in our community and most of them have struggled with developing or creating a mission statement. He told me that when the boards he serves on start to talk about mission statements, he zones out or starts […]