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Outside View of the Indiana Historical Society Building
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Tuesday through Saturday10 a.m. - 5 p.m
Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center 450 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202
Save $2 per ticket (adults & seniors) when you purchase online.
Purchase Tickets
Indiana Experience Admission $15 Adults$14 Seniors (60 and over)$5 Youth (ages 5 through 17)$5 Access Pass HoldersFree Children under 5Free IHS MembersFree Educators and Military Holiday, Festival of Trees Pricing will Vary.

Our (FREE) parking lot is located on New York Street a ½ block east of West Street. Free parking with admission.

Processed Collections

Processed Collections - W

Choose a processed collection index:

Processed Manuscript and Visual Collections - W
W. Reisinger Decorating Co. Photograph Album, ca. 1903-1920 P 0494
W.J. Holliday & Co. Records, 1861-1955 M 0712, OMB 0073
Wabash & Erie Canal Company SC 2243
Wabash & Erie Canals SC1 515
Wabash and Erie Canal Company Records, 1833-1877 (bulk 1833-1862) M 0758, OM 0392
Wabash College Oral History Project Collection M 0647
Wabash County SC 0435
Wabash Navigation Company SC 1516
Wabash-Erie Canal SC 1738
Wacker, August School Transfer Certificate, 25 April 1891 SC 3232
Wacker, William SC 1517
Wade Family M 0328
Wagner, George Documents and Photographs, 1847-1896, 1974 SC 1518
Wagner, J.L. SC 2237
Wahls, Janetnelle Conner, 1963-2009 M 1098, OM 0550 
Wainwright Company SC 1519
Wainwright, William Alonzo Quartermaster Records, 1862-1869 M 0291, OM 0587
Wait (Waite), Joseph. H. Diaries, 1863-1915 M 0826
Wakefield, Dan Paper, ca. 2015 SC 3253
Wakefield, John B. SC 1520
Wakeland, Charles SC 1521
Walheiser, Mary Susan. Papers, ca. 1938 SC 2305
Walker Township, Rush County, Indiana Photographs, [ca. 1960] P 0628
Walker, Bernice Papers, 1931-1984 M 0541, OM 0523
Walker, Madam C.J. Manufacturing Company Christmas Card, 1918  SC 2848 
Walker, Madam C.J. Papers Addition, 1911-2005 (Bulk 1950s-1980s) M 1250, OMB 0166, BV 5248-5251
Walker, Madam C.J. Papers, 1910-1980 M 0399, OMB 0022, BV 2667-2678
Walker, Madam C.J. Stamp Dedication Program, 1998  SC 2854 
Walker, Samuel B. Autobiography, ca. 1953 SC 3592
Wall, William Robert SC 1522
Wallace Gold Mining Company Records SC 2436
Wallace, David SC 1523
Wallace, Harry L. Papers M 0702
Wallace, Henry Agard, 1888-1965. Caravans for Henry Wallace records, 1948-1949 SC 2426
Wallace, John L. SC 1524
Wallace, John Letters, 1861 SC 3615
Wallace, Joseph Letter SC 2332
Wallace, Lew. Collection, 1799-1972 M 0292, OMB 0023, F 0370-0380, F 0643-0654, F 0805-0809, F 1123-1124
Wallace, Moses Jr. SC 2086
Wallace, Susan E. Letter and Partial Letter, n.d. SC 2987 
Waller, Robert C. SC 2170
Wallick, Edwin Ekin SC 1525
Wallick, John F. Anniversary Book SC 2511
Wallingford, Hiram SC 1526
Walser, Etta. Diary, 1900 SC 2629
Walter, David S. SC 1527
Walters, Charles William Papers, 1941-1999 M 0750, BV 3307-3308
Walters, Dorothy M. Photograph Collection, ca. 1890s-ca. 1917 P 0792
Walters, Harrison SC 1528
Walters, Joann. Papers, 1972-1993 M 0150
map of area around IHS location
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Our Hours
ExhibitsOpen 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday
Open 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
William H. Smith Memorial LibraryOpen 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday
Open 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
History MarketOpen 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday
Open 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
Stardust Terrace Café HoursOpen 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday
Open 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday