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Outside View of the Indiana Historical Society Building
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Tuesday through Saturday10 a.m. - 5 p.m
Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center 450 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202
Save $2 per ticket (adults & seniors) when you purchase online.
Purchase Tickets
Indiana Experience Admission $15 Adults$14 Seniors (60 and over)$5 Youth (ages 5 through 17)$5 Access Pass HoldersFree Children under 5Free IHS MembersFree Educators and Military Holiday, Festival of Trees Pricing will Vary.

Our (FREE) parking lot is located on New York Street a ½ block east of West Street. Free parking with admission.

Processed Collections

Processed Collections - L

Choose a processed collection index:

Processed Manuscript and Visual Collections - L
L.S. Ayres and Co. Stock documents, 1968 SC 2694
L.S. Ayres and Company 1858-1992 (bulk 1920-1992) M 0616
L.S. Ayres Fashion Models Papers and Photographs, ca. 1919-2013 SC 3384, OM 0659
L.S. Ayres Related Materials Collection, ca. 1970s-1986 SC 3218
L.S. Ayres Related Materials, Photographs and Papers, ca. 1940-1993 M 1332
Laatz, Mary SC 1729
Lacey, Maberry M. SC 0941
Lacey, Major Maberry M. Collection, 1852-1922  SC 3187 
Lackey, Ira SC 0942
Lacroix, Marcell D. SC 0943
Lacy, Donald C. Collection, 1954-2011 M 1047, CT 2182-2186, DVD 0259-0262 
Ladoga, Indiana ca. 1900-ca 1930 Photographs, Copied ca. 1940s-1950s P 0827
Lafayette Second National Bank SC 0946
Lafayette, Citizens SC 0945
Lafayette, Indiana SC 0944
Lafayette, Muncie, and Bloomington Railroad Company Reports, 1877 OM 0418
Laflin & Rand Powder Mill Explosion Collection, 1907  P 0538 
LaFollette Family, 1849-1961  M 1124, OM 0561, BV 4969 
Lafontaine, Louis SC 0947
Lafuse, Aggie A. Papers, 1853-1870 SC 0948, F 1350
LaGrange Collegiate Institute SC 0949
LaGrange County SC 0378
LaGrange County SC 0379
LaGrange County SC 0380
Laird, Charles Kendall M 0177
Lake County, Indiana. Farm Title, 1906-1917 SC 3395
Lake Erie & Western Railroad Records BV 2595
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company SC 0950
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company SC 1803
Lake, William Paul Collection, 1936-1938 P 0083
Lamb, Laverda M 0533
Lamb, Oltie F. SC 0951
Lamb, Samuel F.M. Letter, 1 January 1862 SC 2657
Lamb, Sylvester C. SC 0952
Lambert & Dickson Mill SC 1659
Lambert, George Washington M 0178
Lambert, Irwin SC 0960
Lamkin, Martha. Oral History Interview, 29 August 2013 SC 3617, DVD 2354
Lamm, Robert Corwin. Collection, 1943-1946 SC 3397
Lamport, Ovid Wordsworth SC 1860
Lampson, Peter SC 2654
Lamson, Benjamin SC 0953
Land Grants M 0389
Landau, Martin and James Dean Collection, 1953-1956 SC 3618, OM 0745
Landau, Ruth and Leila Peters Oral History Interview and Transcript, 2014 SC 3323, DVD 1108-1110
Lander, Charles M. Letters, August-November, 1864 SC 3608
Landers, Octavia Greene Papers, Ca. 1906-2005 M 0974 
Landis, Kenesaw M. II Papers, 1944-1949  SC 3062 
Landon, Hugh McKennan Photographs, Ca. 1910-Ca. 1920 P 0048
Lane, Henry S. SC 1908
map of area around IHS location
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Our Hours
ExhibitsOpen 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday
Open 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
William H. Smith Memorial LibraryOpen 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday
Open 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
History MarketOpen 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday
Open 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
Stardust Terrace Café HoursOpen 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday
Open 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday