Arndt, Karl J.R. Letter, 1980 September 12
SC 1741
Arnold Family Manscript Books, 1797-1877
M 0007, F 0002
Arnold, John, 1815-1902. My Dear Papa. Your Affectionate Son J Arnold: The Letters of Dr. John Arnold to his Father, the College Years
SC 1858
Arnold, Joseph. Letter, 1839 September 5
SC 0026
Ashton, Walter J. Papers
SC 0027
Ashworth, John. Book of dye recipes
SC 0029
Aspy, William C. Civil War discharge
SC 0030
Association for Loan Free Education (Indianapolis, Ind.). Records, 1972-1991
M 0679
Athenaeum (Indianapolis, Ind.). Feasibility study for the Athenaeum building, 1974
SC 1838
Atkins, Joseph, 1812-1904. Medical Notebook, ca. 1830
SC 1905
Atkins, William Coleman. Letters
SC 0031
Audubon Society papers
SC 0032
Avery, Leon S. Tax statement, 1868
SC 0033
Aye, Henry H. Letter
SC 0034
Ayres, James. Civil War letter
SC 0036
Ayres, Levi P and Alexander C. Papers, 1824-1892
SC 1615