Author Archives: Charlie McAtee

Fun with Fosshape!

For  Indianapolis Colts: The Exhibit, the Conservation department assisted with preparing several textile artifacts for display. The most challenging objects to prepare for the exhibit were the two Colts cheerleader uniforms. The costumes consisted of separate tops and bottoms, which would allow much of the mannequins to be seen, so the mounts needed to be visually […]

What Could Have Been: White River State Park

I like architecture – a lot. But do you know what really makes me happy in the archives? Finding building plans that never came to be. So when I stumbled across photographs of the original White River State Park model while processing the McGuire Photographs collection, I was mesmerized by how many design concepts were incorporated […]

Women Behaving Badly

Well-behaved women seldom make history. – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich Our collections are full of stories of strong, gutsy ladies bucking tradition and speaking their minds to make their marks on Indiana. As we dive into women’s history month, I’ve dug deep into the archives to highlight just a few of our lesser known Hoosier heroines. […]

Animals in the Archives

As a collections assistant, it is my job to go through collections that have been donated to the Indiana Historical Society and put them in order. I often come across fun objects like someone’s old doodles left in the margins of a letter or silly photographs taken of people when they weren’t expecting it. As […]

From the Cataloger’s Desk: Cracking Mental Nuts

This month’s blog post is short, but sweet! I love a good, challenging puzzle. Therefore, I was instantly captivated by Mental Nuts: Can You Crack ‘Em?, a tiny pamphlet published in 1897, compliments of Studebaker Brothers Manufacturing Company, South Bend, Indiana. The title page describes it as “a book of old time catch or trick […]