Author Archives: Adam Harness

What are your Favorite Things?

Behind-the-scenes in the Indiana Historical Society, people work to preserve Indiana?s past. They care for, organize and share the many artifacts in our collection. In the process, they get to see old maps, read personal correspondence, and discover unique objects and stories. Since they get to see so many items in the collection, I asked […]

Opening Pandora’s Box

One of the best parts of working at a place like IHS is that there?s always something new to discover. Sometimes you stumble across cool images, collections or book titles. Other times you stumble across items that are a twist on a classic. Take this miniature book titled Pandora?s Box as an example. At 2 […]

Art is History

When many people think of the Indiana Historical Society, most minds often gravitate toward archives of the state?s history. This is true, but another aspect of its collection is the artwork of Indiana natives donated by them or their families. One such artist named Robert Hugo Selby has a collection that spans his years as […]

Inspired by the Indiana Dunes

Twenty-five dollars and a sunburn … that?s what Audrey Howland, then a 19-year-old model and dancer, got for posing for this poster, advertising the Indiana Dunes along the South Shore Line. School has started again and a few leaves have even started changing color languid summer days spent at the beach seem long gone. Yet, […]

Missing the State Fair?

The Indiana State Fair has just ended kids and adults have gotten their kicks screaming on rides, eating all sorts of fried concoctions, and checking out the many things on display from pigs to jams. If you?re missing the fair already, stop by the fair exhibit on display in the library. Postcards, photos, premium catalogues […]

Feeling Patriotic?

It seems that the fireworks have only just died down in my neighborhood and I must say I like things a bit quieter. But if you, like my neighbors, can’t get enough of Fourth of July celebrations, you should pop in to check out our Patriotic Posters exhibit. The library has many posters from WWI […]

Your Historical Record

What kind of historical record are you leaving behind? By historical record, I mean any evidence of you left behind for historians of the future to find. Kind of like a carbon footprint, but tied to your place in history rather than your environmental impact. People from the olden? days left behind a historical record, […]

Never Judge a Book by Its Cover?

Have you ever heard the saying that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover? Well, in a library exhibit that’s exactly what we did. Instead of picking books for their literary or historical value, we searched for books that had interesting features. After all, just as there is an art to writing well, there?s […]

Looking Beyond the Field

One of the most difficult things to remember when working in any job is not to forget to look outside of the obvious. In the nonprofit world, this often means looking to those who do business for-profit in order to find some new ideas and reignite our creative fires. Some of the most interesting and […]

The Next Generation of Local History

Have you ever asked, How do we get young people involved in our local history organization?? Many have asked us this question in Local History Services. More and more it seems that young people are not interested in history. But is that the case? I was reading an article recently called Millennials, Nostalgia, and Urban […]