Author Archives: Charlie McAtee

Exploring Civil War Sites

When I was younger, I was lucky to go on vacations with my family which many times included stops at historic sites. As an adult, I have continued that tradition. My husband’s love of the Civil War often leads us to sites related to that topic. Using a sample of the Civil War collections at […]

Exploring Hoosier Heritage at Home

Due to the Covid-19 precautions, our previously scheduled Ethnic Eats: Myanmar on April 16 was postponed. Inspired by our multicultural collecting initiatives, our Ethnic Eats series began in 2017 exploring the food of the many cultures who call Indiana home. While learning together is certainly preferable to virtual gatherings, we can still learn about the […]

History Can Only be Written Based on the Documentation That Exists

When IHS began the collecting initiative, Telling Your Story: Documenting COVID-19 in Indiana, our hope was to capture the experiences of Hoosiers during this historic time so their stories would be documented and preserved for future generations. Within the first week of collecting material, the response has been incredible as people from all over the […]

Q&A With Anita Morgan: The Woman Suffrage Movement in Indiana

Prohibiting states and the federal government from denying citizens the right to vote based on sex, the Nineteenth Amendment was passed by Congress on June 4, 1919, and formally ratified on August 26, 1920. To commemorate the centennial of women winning the right to vote, the IHS Press recently published “We Must Be Fearless”: The […]

The Show-You Sauce of Columbia City

Columbia City, Indiana is in the northeast part of the state in Whitley County, just west of the city of Fort Wayne. At a time when the Asian population would be heavily concentrated on either U.S. coasts and select major cities, who would have thought one of the nation’s few soy sauce manufacturers would be […]

Not Our First Pandemic…

Many people know that Covid-19 is not our first pandemic in Indiana. One of the most notable happened about a century ago with the influenza pandemic in 1918-1919. At that time, schools were also closed, as evidenced by this quote from Earlee A. Griffin in a letter to Sergeant Irven Armstrong: “We have had nearly […]

When in Doubt, Just Search for “Puppies”

Until about six months ago, the walls of the west freight elevator at the Indiana Historical Society were depressingly blank. Then a photo of a puppy appeared on the wall. Soon, each of the sides were dotted with a parade of staff pets: dogs, cats and even the occasional fluffy white rabbit, each accompanied by […]