Author Archives: Adam Harness

Changing Times

For the times, they are a changin?. So goes the Dylan tune of a while ago and so it goes with our work here at IHS. Conservators get to look at time in a in a different way examining the things of history; how and when a paper was made, the ink and such on […]

“And the Winner Is … “

Three books published by the IHS Press in 2009 have been named as finalists in ForeWord Reviews2009 Book of the Year Awards. The books selected as finalists and their categories are: By Freedom?s Light, by Elizabeth O?Maley, juvenile fiction My Indiana: 101 More Places to See in Indiana, by Earl Conn, travel guide Steve McQueen: […]

A Dial-Up Librarian Enters the Blogosphere

When I was first approached about doing a blog for the library, my first thought was “YIKES.” Being new to the blogging world, this was unchartered terrain for me. After all, we still have dial-up at home and I rely on my 2 year old to help program our DVD player. However, the more I […]

Telling a Hero’s Tale

As a nonfiction writer who engages in the field of biography, I often give talks to groups around the state. During the question-and-answer portion, one of the queries I always get is how to come up with a subject to write about. I usually advise the questioner to pick a subject her or she will […]

How Do We Look?

It’s been a crazy year for the IHS staff even though the History Center has pretty much been closed the whole time. What have we been doing with our time? Two words: Indiana Experience. We’ve turned our beautiful building into a real destination a place you’ll want to visit again and again. You might remember […]

Opening Events Kick Off Indiana Historical Society’s Indiana Experience

Indianapolis—The Indiana Historical Society will make Indiana’s past brand new with a variety of events celebrating when it introduces the Indiana Experience, which opens to the public March 20, 2010, at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center. The History Center is located at 450 W. Ohio St. in downtown Indianapolis. The Indiana Experience […]

Indiana Experience Fact Sheet

What is the Indiana Experience?The Indiana Experience brings both the people of the state and visitors from around the world a uniquely Indiana experience. Interactive and high-technology experiences allow the IHS to share the tremendous archival holdings of the IHS, including 1.6 million photographs, in easy and enjoyable ways. What are the elements that comprise […]

Step Through the Historic Photograph, and You Are There

Indianapolis—The Indiana Historical Society is pleased to introduce You Are There, a programmatic component of the Indiana Experience, a new way to live history that will open to the public March 20, 2010, at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center. The History Center is located at 450 W. Ohio St. in downtown Indianapolis. […]

Time Travel Becomes Possible With Destination Indiana

Indianapolis—The Indiana Historical Society is pleased to introduce Destination Indiana, a programmatic element of the Indiana Experience, a new way to live history that will open to the public March 20, 2010, at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center. The History Center is located at 450 W. Ohio St. in downtown Indianapolis. Destination […]