Author Archives: Adam Harness

Learning From My Mistakes: Facilitating Meetings

I guess that was my first adult meeting. You know, we filled up all the big sheets of paper.? That was the disheartening statement that I overheard after I helped to facilitate a meeting with teens about developing a youth leadership academy. My fellow adult volunteers and I realized that we shouldn?t create something for […]

IHS Press Releases Crown Hill: History, Spirit and Sanctuary

Indianapolis? The Indiana Historical Society Press is pleased to announce the release of Crown Hill: History, Spirit, and Sanctuary. Published in cooperation with the Crown Hill Heritage Foundation, the book examines the cemetery’s complete history and places its story in the larger historical context of the development and growth of American landscape architecture. Listed on the […]

A New Age for Small Museums

Our world has changed drastically in recent years. Today?s younger generation (aka digital natives) have never lived in a world without high-speed internet, smartphones, tablets or social media. Even most adults who do remember the time before technology changed the world cannot now imagine life without it. And these changes have, for better or worse, […]

Transfixed Teenagers!

When I?m on site visits, the question about how to get younger people interested in history almost always comes up. There?s no magic bullet. But, there is an answer for each museum. I recently visited a museum that had found it. I took a group of nine teenage Girl Scouts on an overnight trip to […]

IHS Press Releases Indiana Out Loud

IHS Press Releases Indiana Out Loud: Dan Carpenter on the Heartland Beat Indianapolis? The Indiana Historical Society Press is pleased to announce the release of Indiana Out Loud: Dan Carpenter on the Heartland Beat. This collection of the best of this renowned op-ed columnist’s work since 1993 includes engaging perceptions of some of the state’s most […]

Facilitating New Discoveries: Why I Love My Job

I love being able to connect people with new ideas or new ways of thinking about things. And that is just what I got to do today during a visit from Alexis Caudell, director of the Mitchell Community Public Library. The Library is planning a major renovation, and Alexis wants to create an interactive exhibit […]

IHS Commemorates the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War with Harper’s Weekly

Journalism in America experienced dramatic growth and development during the Civil War Era. It was the first time an American war had been covered by the press, and there was an extremely high demand for information throughout the country. In order to accommodate the public?s need for news regarding the war, journalists began to use […]

IHS Seeks Nominations for Annual Founders Day Awards

Indianapolis– The Indiana Historical Society (IHS) is seeking out nominations for seven annual awards given out at the Founders Day Dinner each year. With these awards, the IHS recognizes outstanding individuals whose efforts have enriched the lives of others by conveying awareness and appreciation of Indiana’s history on local, regional and statewide levels. The IHS […]

He Walked Out of 1940 and into the Library

Our senior director of Collections asked me once about some of my gee whiz? moments here, which got me to thinking about the interesting people I?ve encountered in my work. We?re always excited to share our collections with book publishers, documentary producers and the public. Last year, I really enjoyed being able to share photographs […]