Category Archives: Local History Services

Butternut Squash Ravioli with a Side of Networking

I attended the Association of Indiana Museums (AIM) conference this weekend in Bloomington with the other Local History Services staff, Jeannette and Stacy. Sunday was a networking and behind-the-scenes touring day. For lots of folks, including me, the networking and informal conversations are the most important part of a conference. That?s when you get to […]

Fountains, Footwear and Fortitude

On a recent trip to deliver a traveling exhibit, Jeannette (coordinator, Local History Services) and I made a detour to the tiny town of Fountain City.From the name of the town, you might guess that we were stopping to check out a beautiful water feature in their downtown. But no.We went to see the home […]

Gobsmacked in the Hoosier State

Kate Prinsley, executive officer of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Australia, received a Churchill Fellowship to study local history in various parts of the world. Kate is visiting the states for four weeks, stopping in Illinois, New York, Washington, D.C., and Indiana. Kate will then travel to England for two weeks. Kate spent three […]

On the Road

Despite the flurry of activity around the opening of the Indiana Experience, some of us are keeping busy with our usual jobs. For me, this means being on the road, most recently, picking up a traveling exhibit. Jeannette Rooney and I trekked up to neighborly Middlebury way north in Elkhart County to pick up the […]