Category Archives: Local History Services


Local History Services staff are on the road a lot. And we love it. Ask any one of us (we have four full-time staff) and you’ll hear that we get a bit antsy if we haven’t been out of the office in a while. On average, we are on the road at least one to […]

Reflections on the Bicentennial Year

It has been an amazing year for Indiana. In Local History Services, it has been wonderful to hear about all of the creative programs, initiatives and projects that have been happening around the state. Historical societies, museums, libraries and communities of all sizes have been able to tap into the excitement of 200 years of […]

Teaming Up for Local History

I have just surpassed my year-and-a-half mark as a member of the Local History Services department at IHS. Not only am I feeling less new, but I am also feeling more in-tune with our department dynamics. I learned quickly that we all work best when we work together and that the line between friend and […]


In September, the Local History Services team attended the 2016 American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) annual conference in Detroit. We had the opportunity to spend time with our Field Services colleagues, reconnect and network with museum professionals from all over the country, see Detroit’s amazing architecture and museums, and find out about […]

Listen Up!: Keeping Your Audience in Mind

One of the services that the Local History Services Department offers is on-demand workshops. We work with local organizations to figure out which of our workshops they might want and how we can tweak the workshops to fit their needs. When I work with the local organizer to plan a workshop, I ask about the […]

Idiomatic Advice

My second grade son recently came home with an interesting school assignment: Prepare a costume for the class idiom fashion show. Need a language arts refresher? An idiom is a word or phrase that is not taken literally. In addition to frustrating non-native English speakers, these figurative phrases cause us to think in pictures. Examples […]

Marketing Your Bicentennial Project

There are more than 1,000 projects and events happening around the state celebrating Indiana’s 200th birthday. With all the statewide marketing of the bicentennial, it may be tempting to take an “if you build it, they will come” attitude. However, it would be a shame for a great project or event to be less successful […]

Getting Comfortable with Evaluation

Recently, I was having a conversation about organizations and how they determine success. One of the comments I made was that the Local History Services department staff constantly evaluates what we do. We ask attendees to complete evaluations after workshops and meetings. We develop and distribute surveys during the year to determine how we’re doing […]