Category Archives: Collections and Library

The Lost Barrio of Indianapolis

What is a Barrio and why is it lost? First, Barrio is the Spanish word for neighborhood. It is typically a neighborhood where most of the folks are from Spanish speaking families. And why is it lost? I will later explain. First, the Latino community is not necessarily a “new Hoosier community” in the State […]

From the Cataloger’s Desk: A New Miniature Book in the Collection

I recently cataloged a charming miniature book, Whatever Happened to Valley Mills, Indiana? According to the Miniature Book Society, “In the United States, a miniature book is usually considered to be one which is no more than three inches in height, width, or thickness.” This newest miniature in the collection measures in well under three inches […]

The Circus That Lived at Camp Morton

Featured image: An artist’s rendering of the Exposition Building in 1874. As part of my job with the Indianapolis Bicentennial Project, I recently processed some materials from the Indianapolis Department of Public Works. Included in that collection are hundreds of original General Ordinances dated from the 1860s to about 1900. Among these, I found (to my […]

From the Cataloger’s Desk: Raise a Glass!

For me, this time of year is all about celebrations. Not only are we celebrating birthdays and anniversaries in my family, but we’re also looking forward to the holidays. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner, and before you know it, we’ll be ringing in the New Year. I recently cataloged a pamphlet […]

Would You Like a Side of Steak with That?

According to the Reid Duffy Menu Collection, fine dining in Indianapolis in the 1980s and 1990s can be summed up by five words: steak, steak and more steak. The WRTV reporter hosted a weekly restaurant review segment called “Duffy’s Diner” from 1978 to 1995. Any local eatery was eligible, which is why Duffy’s menus, donated […]

From the Cataloger’s Desk: Paging Dr. Laughlin!

I find old medical books fascinating. They rank high on my list of favorite printed materials to catalog – right up there with yearbooks, cookbooks and maps. I’m no medical expert, but I enjoy reading about various ailments and how they were treated long ago. I also appreciate the accompanying illustrations. Far from being gory […]

Hoosier Vacations Then and Now: Washington, D.C.

We typically collect photos, documents, books and other materials that relate directly to Indiana or to the Old Northwest. But sometimes our collections include materials from out-of-state and even overseas. This is especially true with family photograph collections that document vacations Hoosiers have taken over the years. My family and I just got back from […]