Category Archives: History Matters

A Myriad of Stories Weaves the Fabric of the 1818 Saint Marys Treaties Saga

If you are one of the nearly 4,000 readers of the Indiana Historical Society’s award-winning journal The Hoosier Genealogist: Connections, you may already be familiar with a stunning four-part series by A. Andrew Olson III, “The 1818 Saint Marys Treaties.” Stunning is not too strong a word for Olson’s work, published from the Fall/Winter 2017 […]

Not Our First Pandemic…

Many people know that Covid-19 is not our first pandemic in Indiana. One of the most notable happened about a century ago with the influenza pandemic in 1918-1919. At that time, schools were also closed, as evidenced by this quote from Earlee A. Griffin in a letter to Sergeant Irven Armstrong: “We have had nearly […]