Category Archives: Local History Services

Collegial Connections and Delicious Desserts

Not too long ago, the Local History Services department was on the road to Washington, Ind., and we stopped for lunch at Stoll?s Lakeview Restaurant. I made my dessert decision by looking at what everyone else chose and asking how they liked their choices.. They even offered to let me taste their desserts before I […]

History Folk Meets World

One of my favorite TV shows is Boy Meets World. (I?m an old TV show rerun nerd.) It originally ran from 1993 through 2000 and is a coming of age show about what a kid learns from the world around him. What got me thinking about this was a comment from a recent Local History […]

Celebrating 30 Years with Fun, Limericks and (of course) Cake!

Thirty years ago, the Indiana Historical Society and the Indiana Historical Bureau jointly founded the County Historian Program in Indiana, and on Saturday, May 21, county historians from around the state gathered in Indianapolis to celebrate. After the morning business and educational sessions, the afternoon was a fun celebration of the county historians and their […]

A Compelling Story

The LHS team Jeannette, Stacy and I and Jeanne Scheets, IHS vice president of marketing, met this week with board members from Indiana Deaf Heritage Inc. at the Indiana School for the Deaf. The campus is in Indy on 42nd Street near my favorite soft pretzel place A Taste of Philly. One of the photos […]

The Price of Oil and Local History

As I was driving down to the Dubois County Museum in Jasper to lead a workshop in strategic planning for local history organizations, I was listening to the radio. The chaos in Libya is causing oil prices to skyrocket. The reports claimed that these unsettling changes in the world may drive gas prices up to […]

It Figures, and My Figure, Too

Like many people, I?ve spent much of the first few days of the New Year looking back at 2010. Some of the looking back has been personal I began going to the gym in 2010. I?ve actually lost some weight and am feeling great. I still ate a Dunkin’ Donut at the staff meeting this […]

Cookies and Truffles and Fudge, Oh My!

December is traditionally a slower period in the Local History Services office, so we use the time wisely by filing, cleaning, catching up on office work and stocking up for winter by eating lots (and lots, and lots) of goodies. While we are busy eating truffles, cookies, spiced almonds, fudge and other yummy treats, we […]

Seminarians in the House

Okay so that’s not strictly speaking true they aren’t in seminary. But we don’t really know how to refer to the 19 people who come to the IHS for the Seminar for Historical Administration each November. They are curators and exhibit creators, directors and marketing coordinators. This year, they hale from as far as Kona, […]

County Historians Gather ‘Round the Table

Each fall, county historians gather for regional roundtables throughout the state to discuss current projects, share ideas and connect with their fellow historians (and of course, there are always snacks!). While most also attend the large annual roundtable held each spring in Indianapolis, these smaller informal roundtables, hosted by county historians at a site of […]

Nothing but fast food for us this month

We are so busy …[Jeff writes] Local History Services department of the Indiana Historical Society has been very busy traveling the state. It feels like the department is juggling multiple balls, plates and a few sharp objects. [Jeff tosses the blog to Stacy][Stacy catches the blog and writes] Jeff and I are getting ready to […]