Author Archives: Tamara Hemmerlein

Preservation Never Ends

Each May, historical societies, museums, preservation organizations, archives and libraries celebrate Preservation Month. We use the month to highlight collections and building preservation issues, focus on our efforts to preserve the physical evidence of our histories and share preservation successes. It’s a chance for us to open the doors of our institutions and shine a […]

The Impact of Local History Organizations

I travel all over the state working with local historical organizations of all types, and I love what I do. I meet interesting people. I get to talk to them about cool, and sometimes difficult, history. I am fortunate to get up close and personal to the stories of Indiana’s local communities. I wouldn’t have […]

Integrating Collections into Your Strategic Plan

As pressures on cultural institutions grow, it is becoming more important for those institutions to show their stakeholders that they are working to increase their sustainability. One of the best ways, but certainly not the easiest, is to develop and implement a strategic plan. A good strategic plan sets mission-centered goals for the institution, provides […]