The Indiana Historical Society is pleased to support Indiana’s local, county and regional historical societies, museums and sites in their important work through Heritage Support Grants, made possible by Lilly Endowment Inc.
Grants are for projects that will help Indiana’s local history organizations meet high-priority needs in areas of Collections Stewardship, Diversity, Equity, Access and Inclusion, Sustainability, and Planning. In addition to the grant awards, IHS also offers fundraising education workshops, ongoing coaching for grant applicants and opportunities to serve on grant award selection committees.
Heritage Support Grants are provided by the Indiana Historical Society and made possible by Lilly Endowment Inc.
The objective of the Heritage Support Grants program is to advance the care of and access to history in Indiana, while increasing the capacity of organizations that carry out this work.
In order to apply for a project or mini grant, organizations must meet all the following criteria:
* A Friends group organization that operates under an agreement with a larger affiliate or parent organization may apply for Heritage Support Grant funding if:
Friends group applications for Heritage Support Grants must include a letter from the affiliate/parent organization confirming their support of the project and grant application, and agreeing to the above stipulations for Friends group applications.
**A history-focused project should interpret, present or otherwise disseminate a historical narrative or information. Structures and landscapes will only be considered if they are primarily used to facilitate historical interpretation or house significant historical collections.
For more information, see the FAQs section on the Resources Page.
For more information, see the FAQs section on the Resources Page.
Funding is awarded through Project Grants. Mini Grants, and Impact Grants.
Project Grants ($5,000 to $50,000)
Grant period: Sept. 1, 2025 to Aug. 31, 2026
Mini Grants ($500 to $4,999)
Grant period: June 1, 2025 to April 30, 2026
Impact Grants ($50,000 to $100,000) – By Invitation Only
Grants from $50,000 to $100,000 are available to meet high-capacity needs. Applications for Impact Grants are by invitation only. For more information, contact your grant coach or email
To start an application, see the complete guidelines and then apply through the online grant portal.
Please note: all applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on the date due. Late applications will not be accepted.
For inquiries regarding Heritage Support Grants contact us at or (317) 234-0170.