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“An Examined Life: The John Mutz Story” from IHS Press Chronicles Life of Former Indiana Lieutenant Governor

November 5, 2020

“An Examined Life: The John Mutz Story” is the latest release from the Indiana Historical Society (IHS) Press. The book is a collaboration between Mutz, who served as lieutenant governor of Indiana from 1981 to 1989, and historian Edward O. Frantz.

Those who know Mutz recognize politics was just one of his areas of expertise — he was also a well-known leader in the areas of philanthropy and business. Mutz was the person most responsible for bringing the Subaru plant to Lafayette, Ind., a move that reinvigorated manufacturing throughout the Hoosier state.

“The book also provides a historical look at how IUPUI and Unigov became realities in Indianapolis,” Mutz said.

In this book, Mutz collaborates with American historian Frantz, author of “The Door of Hope: Republican Presidents and the First Southern Strategy, 1877–1933,” and editor of “A Companion to the Reconstruction Presidents.” He serves as the director of the Institute for Civic Leadership and Mayoral Archives at the University of Indianapolis.

“Being a historian, Ted was able to double check all my facts and dates,” Mutz said. “He is a very careful historian, so the combination of the Indiana Historical Society and Ted’s involvement really adds to the integrity of the book.”

Working together, Mutz and Frantz have combined the perspective and experience of an accomplished leader with the insight of a political historian. Mutz’s gratitude about the life he has led is the motivating force behind “An Examined Life.” This book represents a culminating contribution to Indiana’s civic life by imparting the life experiences of a man who uniquely merged politics, business and philanthropy.

“John often talks about many of the events of his life being a series of happy accidents,” Frantz said. “This project was the happiest of accidents I could have ever hoped for. Given John’s experience in politics, philanthropy and corporate governance, this book is unique in that it is both a memoir and a look at some of the most consequential changes in modern Indianapolis. John’s life has provided me with a lifetime’s worth of lessons.”

“Doing this book gave my wife, Carolyn, and I the chance to look back over our more than 60 years of marriage,” Mutz said. “It left us with an unbelievable gratitude for the many kinds of diverse experiences we have had together.”

“An Examined Life: The John Mutz Story” is available through IHS’s Basile History Market and other places books are sold.

With more than a century of experience, the Indiana Historical Society Press publishes books — from biographies to academic titles, such as the History of Indiana series, to beautiful coffee table books, such as “Mapping Indiana: Five Centuries of Treasures from the Indiana Historical Society.” The Press also publishes historical fiction for children, youth biographies and family history books. Educator resources are also available for many of the youth titles.

For more information about the book or IHS Press, call (317) 232-1882 or visit

About the Authors

John M. Mutz served as lieutenant governor of Indiana from 1981 to 1989. A recognized leader in politics, philanthropy and business, Mutz is the author of “Fundraising for Dummies.” Edward O. Frantz is an American historian and author of “The Door of Hope: Republican Presidents and the First Southern Strategy, 1877–1933,” and editor of “A Companion to the Reconstruction Presidents.”


Title:                           An Examined Life: The John Mutz Story

Publisher:                    Indiana Historical Society Press

Pages:                         223

Size:                            6 x 9

Cover:                         Hardcover

Publication Date:        September 2020

Cost:                            $24.95

ISBN:                           978-0-87195-444-2

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