Mix and mingle with more than 60 authors during the Indiana Historical Society’s annual Holiday Author Fair!
This event will take place Saturday, Dec. 7 from Noon to 4 p.m. Admission to the author fair is included with general admission to the Indiana Historical Society.
Author Fair book topics will range from sports and biographies to youth historical fiction and politics along with, of course, a lot of Indiana history. IHS members will receive 10 percent off their entire Basile History Market purchase.
Check out all our featured books.
Guests are encouraged to purchase their admission tickets in advance. Admission includes IHS’s award-winning exhibits and Festival of Trees, with 85 elaborate trees decorating the building.
Author Fair Educator Lounge
All educators are invited to stop by and relax in the Educator Lounge while visiting the Author Fair. Inside the lounge, you will have access to resources for your classroom and the opportunity to speak with museum educators about incorporating primary sources and museum resources into your classroom. Swag bags are available to educators while supplies last.
Holiday Author Fair is Presented By Printing Partners
Authors scheduled to appear (subject to change):
Ray Boomhower
Dave Chrisinger
Chris Edwards
Wes Gehring
Graham Honaker
Freddie Kelvin
Alex Kor
Norbert Krapf
Jeff Darren Muse
Charlotte Halesema Ottinger
Tom Saunders
Stephen Terrell
Richard A. Vincent
Childrens/Young Adult
Bryan Ballinger
Troy Cummings
Adriane Doherty
Nikki Esarey
Helen Frost
Donna Griffin
Katherine Higgs-Coulthard
Kimberly Hoffman
Kimberly Howard
Janna Matthies
Kerrie Miller*illustrator
Rebecca Mullin
Todd Outcalt
Teresa Richards
Marya Patrice Sherron
Kathryn Marcuson
Michele Woods
Clair Arbogast
J. Brent Bill
Kristy Cambron
John Cardwell
Vince Flecker
Dale Glenn
Katherine Higgs-Coulthard
M. A. Koontz
Candice Sue Patterson
Lori Rader-Day
Robert Rebein
Robert Bowling
Richard Feldman M.D.
Chris Flook
James Glass
Justin Harter
Eugene Helveston M.D,
David Humphrey
W. Evan Humphrey
James Madison
Sara Marshall
Joseph Pete
David B. Reddick
Kevin Tower
Todd Tucker
Paul Wonnings
Connie Zeigler
Jane Ammeson
Diana J. Ensign
Angie Klink
Tom Mason
Kelly O’Dell Stanley
Carrie Steinweg
Art Garner
Randy Mills
Mark Montieth
Kevin Wirthwein