Category Archives: Press Release

New County Historians Appointed in Two Indiana Counties

Two new Indiana county historians have been appointed in Marshall and Martin counties, with their terms beginning January 2022. New Marshall County Historian Kurt West Garner was born in Bremen to a family who traces its roots to pre-county organization, and is a lifelong resident of Marshall County. In 2008, Garner established a historic preservation-focused […]

Indiana Historical Society Calls for Volunteers to Virtually Judge Student History Contests

The Indiana Historical Society (IHS) is looking for volunteers to serve as virtual judges for the 2022 National History Day in Indiana (NHDI) contests. NHDI is a yearlong program dedicated to enhancing history education in Indiana’s schools. Students in grades four through 12 explore a historical subject that fits under the annual theme. This year’s […]

New Exhibit at Indiana Historical Society Looks at the History of Jewish Merchants in Downtown Indianapolis

The Indiana Historical Society (IHS)’s newest exhibit, Jewish Merchants of Downtown Indianapolis, opens tomorrow, January 15, at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center, located at 450 W. Ohio St. in downtown Indianapolis. The exhibit expands on the history of Jewish merchants — Hiram Passmore Wasson, William Herman Block, Leopold Strauss and others — […]

IHS Press Publishes a Look at the Buchanan and Flanner Families of Indianapolis

In the latest release from the Indiana Historical Society (IHS) Press, “Building Community: The Flanner and Buchanan Families of Indianapolis,” author Julie Young shows how the name Buchanan is not only synonymous with Indianapolis but is recognized and respected among funeral directors throughout the United States. Celebrating its 140th anniversary, Flanner Buchanan’s longevity as a […]

Indiana Historical Society’s Festival of Trees Features More Trees and Festive Family Workshops

The Indiana Historical Society’s (IHS) 2021 Festival of Trees holiday exhibit features more trees, more festive family workshops and more chances to get into the holiday spirit. From November 12 through January 8, visitors can take part in the annual holiday extravaganza at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center, located at 450 W. […]

Indiana Historical Society Announces Founders Day Honorees

The Indiana Historical Society (IHS) is proud to announce the 2021 Founders Day Award honorees. Each year, the Founders Day Awards recognize outstanding individuals and organizations whose efforts have enriched the lives of others by conveying awareness and appreciation of Indiana’s history on local, regional and statewide levels. The IHS will honor Founders Day Award […]

IHS Press Releases Life of Frank Virgil Dudley, Painter of the Dunes

In the latest release from the Indiana Historical Society (IHS) Press, “Painter of the Dunes: A Life of Frank Virgil Dudley,” author Rachel Berenson Perry chronicles the creative life of the artist whose fascination with the Indiana Dunes helped establish it as a state park in 1925. Once his photographer brother introduced him to the […]

IHS Press Releases Letters of Love and War

In “25 Sugarland Road: Letters of Love and War, 1943-1945,” the latest release from the Indiana Historical Society (IHS) Press, author Judy McBride Bentley tells her parents’ story through excerpts from more than 200 letters filled with wonder, anxiety, yearning and a strong sense of family during a time their views of the world and […]