June 11, 2010
I just got my invitation to my high school reunion I won?t go into to details but it is a, , significant number. The reunion Web site has some pages from our senior yearbook, and it brought back a lot of fond memories. Yearbooks can be a great tool whether you are looking for a specific person, trying to learn more about a school, or to just get a better understanding of what life was like during that time period. I think if a researcher looked at my yearbook they would wonder how we all got our hair so big. I recently worked with a genealogist who found her grandfather listed in a yearbook from the 1920s. She had never met him but learned he was involved with music (as was she), his nickname and even his quote for the class. Often these early yearbooks include descriptive paragraphs about each senior like these seniors listed in the 1915 Logansport Tattler.
I love the description of Thelma Sines, who besides being earnest and sincere could make a great banana pie. You just don?t get that kind of wonderful information from a census record.
We do not have a yearbook for every school in Indiana or for every year but we do have a nice collection. So if you are looking for the Narcissus (Peru), the Squealer (Martinsville), or the Kay Aitch Ess (Kendallville), let us know.
