June is probably best known for their major celebrations like Father’s Day, Juneteenth and others. However, to continue our National Days blog series, I’ve highlighted two of the lesser celebrations as illustrated by materials from the IHS digital collection.
One particular day, in the list of many for June, standing out to me was National Call Your Doctor Day, celebrated annually on the second Tuesday in June. Originally established in 2016 by the organization Bright Pink as a reminder for women to schedule their wellness exam, it was noted for its official date in 2017 by the registrar at the National Day Calendar.
Portraits of doctors listed with their primary practice locations in Indiana with the date of the image. Dr. Seth Hobbs, Salem, IN, 1876; Dr. James Crooks, Bridgeton, IN, 1893; Dr. E.A. Rogers, Auburn, IN, 1901; Dr. Harvey Middleton, Indianapolis, IN, ca. 1930; Dr. Billie J.N. Jameson, Indianapolis, IN, 1981; Dr. Otis R. Bowen, Bremen, IN, 1983; Dr. Gus Watanabe, Indianapolis, IN, ca. 1985. 1-2: IHS (cropped); 3: IHS, M1251 (cropped); 4: IHS, M441; 5-6: Indianapolis Recorder Collection, IHS; Margaret R. Watanabe, IHS (cropped).
Making appointments to see our doctor(s), whether we feel ill or just need a check-up, is important. I’m someone that has dealt with a lot of physicians across many disciplines due to family member health concerns. Though I still don’t love calling to make appointments, I know the importance. A selection of portraits of doctors pictured in our digital collection are shown above.
Physicians who served in the military. Dr. Hamilton W. Glezen, Petersburg, IN, 1861; Surgeon Richmond W. Welman, Jasper, IN, ca. 1862; Dr. Leslie H. Maxwell, Indianapolis, IN, 1919; Doctors being inducted into the Army, Terre Haute, IN, 1942.
We have our everyday doctors, our specialists, but we also have physicians that step up in times of need. Above are images of doctors who served the country during times of war. While soldiers were not typically making appointments to see these doctors, the physicians were still called upon by someone to aid those injured and ill.
Physicians practice their craft in surgery and at the office. Wishard Operating Room, Indianapolis, IN, ca. 1900; Surgery at St. Vincent, Indianapolis, IN, 1947; Dr. Zao Xu in surgery, Guangzhou, China (later of Indianapolis), ca. 1981; Children’s clinic in Huntington, IN, 1919; Dr. Harvey Middleton and his sister, Ollie, Indianapolis, IN, [1920-1950]; Dr. Rose Hicks with patient, Indianapolis, IN, 1981. IHS (cropped); IHS, P0569 (cropped); Zao C. Xu, IHS (cropped); IHS, M0384 (cropped); IHS, M0513 (cropped); Indianapolis Recorder Collection, IHS (cropped).
Attending to the task of scheduling appointments, while important, is not the end goal. Above are images of those who are receiving or seeking treatment and testing. While other images of doctors are found in our collections, these are just a few illustrative of medical practitioners in Indiana.
As with earlier celebration day blogs, we also enjoy sharing a day that is even more lighthearted. For June, this is the 11th day’s celebration of corn on the cob! See some of those fun images below.
Governor Paul V. McNutt enjoys corn on the cob, Indianapolis, IN, ca.1943; Children helping with corn preparation at the Flanner House cannery, Indianapolis, IN, 1956; A cook shucking corn, Indianapolis, IN, 1972; Prepping corn at the People’s Market in John Thomas Vastine Hill Park, Indianapolis, IN, 1981. IHS, M1171 (cropped); O. James Fox Collection, IHS (cropped); Indianapolis Recorder Collection, IHS (cropped).
I hope you continue to enjoy our national day and month series as well as other great blog content from the Indiana Historical Society staff!