Author Archives: Lauren Peightel

Seven Tips for Your Best Midwestern Roots Experience

I’m looking forward to Midwestern Roots this coming weekend! I’ve attended in years past, and this year had the privilege of being part of the organizing committee. Here are some tips, compiled with Lauren Peightel, for making the most of your time at Midwestern Roots – and in the vibrant city of Indianapolis. 1. Plan […]

Getting the Most Out of Your Conference Experience

This is part of our Midwestern Roots blog series, where we’ll be sharing exciting sneak peeks and information about the conference. Midwestern Roots Family History and Genealogy Conference will take place July 19 and 20 with preconference workshops on July 18. Find out more about Midwestern Roots and all the local and nationally-renowned speakers we have lined up […]

Adding History to Our Family Heirlooms

This is part of our Midwestern Roots blog series, where we’ll be sharing exciting sneak peeks and information about the conference. Midwestern Roots Family History and Genealogy Conference will take place July 19 and 20 with preconference workshops on July 18. Find out more about Midwestern Roots and all the local and nationally-renowned speakers we […]

Top 10 Reasons to Attend Midwestern Roots 2019

This is part of our Midwestern Roots blog series, where we’ll be sharing exciting sneak peeks and information about the conference. Midwestern Roots Family History and Genealogy Conference will take place July 19 and 20 with preconference workshops on July 18. Find out more about Midwestern Roots and all the local and nationally-renowned speakers we […]